Thursday, February 7, 2013

De-Clutter the PLAYROOM!!!!

Ok - if you are anything like me....and you have children....chances are - you have a playroom (or toy room, kids room, land of lost toys).  What ever your name for that chaotic room of children's fun stuff (or annyoing loud stuff), chances are - it's been a disaster at some point.  As a very busy working Mom (I'm being frank here) I only clean it if 1) I know company is coming, 2) I'm really bored and the rest of my house is already clean (note: not very often) or 3) I'm punishing my children and it's their chance to make me happy :).

Our playroom has turned into the "this is where we toss stuff that can't fit in our room / we don't play with / is missing parts".  In trying to come up with creative ways to help my kids better clean up when they are finished, I figured that the easier I make it - the chances are they will follow through and put it away.  Some of this is basic parenting and most of it is just keeping it simple.

While researching on HOW to keep it organized, I found the following top 5 list.  Seems easy enough....

1) Follow the 80/20 Rule.  The more kids you have, the less they play with toys.  If they aren't organzied well, kids end up spending 80 percent of their time playing with 20% of their toys.  To help combat this by keeping it with a focus on access.  Keep it at a level that is age appropriate.  10 year olds are better able to sort and think than a 5 year old.

2) KEEP IT SIMPLE: When it comes to a play room, simplicity rules.  Go through the room at the change of every season and get rid of old and broken toys.

3) Lable it with Pictures:  Labeling storage containers is always a good idea, but what if you are too young to read?  Just use what they can identify - pictures. 

4) Skip the Toy Box:  (this is a tough one for me) - The toy box ends up being a dumping ground for broken toys or bits and pieces of other toys.  Reality is that they never really get in there to look for a toy - and they are most likely not playing with anything in it.  You are much better off keeping the "good toys" in seperate and "like" containers.

5) Go see-through (see example of Thirty-One help here) - Instead of the typical toy box, invest in clear bins to sort toys.  Place them on shelves that the kid can easily see.  Keep like things together

Of course this is all a learning system for kids.  Everyone wants to encourage their child to pick up after themselves.  After all - we want to be asked back by that special play date.  However, we all know that realistically, this is a challange.  None of us want to go bald trying to make the impossible happen :)

Now....I'm off to clean up a play room!

If you would like to purchase any of the fun and easy Thirty-One solutions to cleaning on my link below.  It will take you RIGHT to my site!

Happy Cleaning!

Get those TOTES today and declutter the playroom - click here!

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